Keto butter cookies 4 bahan Combine natural peanut butter, sweetener, egg, and vanilla in a mixing bowl. Softened butter binds everything together without the use of eggs. The end result is a delicious cookie with a shortbread-like texture, great for a variety of occasions.

Bahan Membuat Keto butter cookies 4 bahan

  1. 10 sdm tepung almond.
  2. 2 bgks Diabetasol.
  3. 2 sdm butter.
  4. 1 sdt vanila.

Langkah Memasak Keto butter cookies 4 bahan

  1. Campur semua bahan dan aduk dengan menggunakan sendik atau spatula.
  2. Panaskan oven 150c.
  3. Kalau adonan sdh tercampur baik, bentuk bulat2 secukupnya..
  4. Lalu pipihkan dgn menggunakan garpu ya moms..
  5. Panggang di oven selama +/- 30 menit..
  6. Voila! Jadi deh! Hasilnya lembuuut dan lumer di mulut. Perpaduan almond n butternya bikin nagih dan nagih pengen makan cookiesnya terus 😆 ooops, ada 2 warna ya! Yg kecoklatan agak gosong krn suhu oven terlalu tinggi n aku tinggal ke Al*****t bentar 🤭😆😅 jgn ditiru ya moms 😉.

If you were ever a fan of nutter butters, or have a. Each Peanut Butter cookie is perfectly balanced with just the right amount of nuttiness and sweetness to make any girl scout jealous. Nui (formally Keto Kookies) gluten free cookies are naturally sweetened with Erythritol and Monk Fruit Extract, which do not raise blood sugar or insulin levels. You might be unsure about how to make the keto diet-friendly treat. Fortunately, this recipe is super straightforward, with about five minutes of prep time.

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