Butter cookies—also known as Dutch biscuits—are delicious, crispy cookies that are quick and easy to make. Even better, the recipe only uses pantry staples! These Butter Cookies have such a light texture that they almost melt in your mouth!
Bahan Membuat Butter Cookies
- 240 gr terigu pro rendah.
- 3 sdm maizena.
- 3 sdm susu bubuk.
- 100 gr gula pasir diblender halus.
- 100 cc minyak goreng.
- 75 gr butter Wyjsman.
- 1 sdt vanili.
- Topping :.
- secukupnya Tepung roti.
- secukupnya Choco Chips.
Langkah Memasak Butter Cookies
- Ayak terigu, maizena dan susu bubuk. Sisihkan..
- Campur butter dg gula halus. kocok dg mikser sebentar saja. Tambahkan minyak goreng. Aduk lagi sd tercampur rata. Masukkan campuran terigu ke adonan butter. Aduk rata dg sendok kayu. Lanjutkan dg tangan dicampur sd bisa dibentuk..
- Bentuk adonan bulat2. Gulingkan ke dalam tepung roti. Tata di loyang, beri choco chip tepat ditengahnya. Lakukan sp habis. Panggang sampai dg matang..
This great butter cookie recipe is a favorite of my nephews, who love the creamy frosting. Beat butter, confectioners' sugar, vanilla and enough milk to reach a spreading consistency. Butter Cookies are simple, flavorful cookies loved for holidays and parties. Soft, delicious homemade cookies that are easily made and are always a classic favorite. The Best Butter Cookies are a.
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