Butter cookies Butter cookies—also known as Dutch biscuits—are delicious, crispy cookies that are quick and easy to make. Even better, the recipe only uses pantry staples! These Butter Cookies have such a light texture that they almost melt in your mouth!

Bahan Membuat Butter cookies

  1. 3 sdm / lebih margarin.
  2. 3 sdm / lebih gula halus.
  3. 7 sdm / lebih tepung terigu.
  4. Gula pasir.

Langkah Memasak Butter cookies

  1. Campur semua bahan kecuali gula pasir dan aduk merata sampai kalis.
  2. Bentuk cookies sesuai selera, disini aku bentuk bulat pipih dengan hiasan pinggiran menggunakan bantuan garpu. Lalu beri gula pasir diatasnya. Lakukan sampai adonan habis.
  3. Panggang menggunakan oven (12-15menit) / bisa menggunakan teflon anti lengket yang dialasi saringan kukusan (30 menit - lebih) hingga kecoklatan. Lalu angkat & dinginkan sejenak supaya mengeras..
  4. Cocok buat cemilan & budget ramah dikantong 😊.

This great butter cookie recipe is a favorite of my nephews, who love the creamy frosting. Beat butter, confectioners' sugar, vanilla and enough milk to reach a spreading consistency. Butter Cookies are simple, flavorful cookies loved for holidays and parties. Soft, delicious homemade cookies that are easily made and are always a classic favorite. The Best Butter Cookies are a.

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