Butter cookies—also known as Dutch biscuits—are delicious, crispy cookies that are quick and easy to make. Even better, the recipe only uses pantry staples! These Butter Cookies have such a light texture that they almost melt in your mouth!
Bahan Membuat Butter Cookies
- Bahan A :.
- 100 gr Margarine.
- 150 gr Butter.
- 200 gr Gula Halus.
- Bahan B :.
- 3 btr Kuning Telur.
- Vanilla Pasta.
- Bahan C :.
- 2 sdm Tepung Maizena.
- 450 gr Tepung Terigu.
- 30 gr Susu Bubuk.
- Olesan :.
- 1 btr Kuning Telur.
- 1 sdt Susu UHT.
- Gula Pasir (Taburan).
Langkah Memasak Butter Cookies
- Mixer bahan A hingga rata..
- Masukkan bahan B. Mixer rata..
- Masukkan bahan C. Aduk dgn spatula..
- Cetak dengan cetakan cookies..
- Olesi loyang dengan white margarine..
- Panggang dengan suhu 150 derajat celcius..
This great butter cookie recipe is a favorite of my nephews, who love the creamy frosting. Beat butter, confectioners' sugar, vanilla and enough milk to reach a spreading consistency. Butter Cookies are simple, flavorful cookies loved for holidays and parties. Soft, delicious homemade cookies that are easily made and are always a classic favorite. The Best Butter Cookies are a.
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