Sambal Blacan Mentah Sambal terasi / sambal belacan is one of the quintessential condiments or ingredients in Southeast Asia. It is perfect to serve on the side or to use it as an ingredient in cooking. It is spicy and packs with.

Bahan Membuat Sambal Blacan Mentah

  1. 11 cabe rawit.
  2. 2 buah tomat (uk sedang).
  3. 3 cm Terasi matang (sy pk ny. Siok).
  4. 1/2 sdt Royco rasa ayam.
  5. 1 sdt Gula.
  6. Garam (bs d skip).

Langkah Memasak Sambal Blacan Mentah

  1. Cuci bersih cabe + tomat.
  2. Giling halus cabe rawit, potong2 tomat masukkan tomat potong dan giling bersama cabai rawit, setelah halus keduanya masukkan terasi... giling bersamaan.
  3. Masukkan royco + gula + air jeruk sambal.. koreksi rasa jika krg asin bs d tambahkan garam... sajikan.

Sambal Belacan is a popular spicy Malaysian chili condiment consisting of chilies, belacan (shrimp paste), and lime juice. This delicious and aromatic sambal belacan is worth whipping out your pestle and mortar for. Easy no-cook recipe for sambal belacan (belachan). You can use sambal belacan for stir-fries (pictured above), or fry it with some dried shrimps, garlic and shallots for a more Chinese version of. Belacan sambal is traditionally a condiment but can also be used as a Stir to combine, then remove heat and allow to cool.

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