Puff Pastry Cinnamon Roll Bites I had some leftover puff pastry dough from another recipe that I had to either use or toss out. Because I hate to waste things I rolled it out and made some little rounds. Apple puff pastry rolls with a warming apple cinnamon filling, you can have these treats ready to serve within an hour.

Bahan Membuat Puff Pastry Cinnamon Roll Bites

  1. 4 lembar puff pastry uk. 11x11 (@omah_pastry.id).
  2. 3 sdm gula pasir.
  3. 100 gr cream cheese.
  4. 1 butir kuning telur.
  5. 2 sdt bubuk cinnamon.
  6. 1 sdm SKM.
  7. 150 ml whipped cream.

Langkah Memasak Puff Pastry Cinnamon Roll Bites

  1. Siapkan puff. Sejajarkan 4 puff, rekatkan agar jadi 1 lembar puff yg lebar. Lalu, gilas dg rolling pin. Potong kanan kiri atas bawah agar rata..
  2. Campurkan gula & cinnamon. Taburkan diatas puff pastry. Tekan-tekan atau giling dg rolling supaya melelat di puff..
  3. Lalu, gulung & potong seukuran 2cm atau 3cm..
  4. Tata di loyang yg sudah dialas baking paper. Oles dg kuning telur..
  5. Preheat oven terlebih dulu. Panggang puff dg suhu 180°C - 30 menit..
  6. Campurkan cream cheese, whipped cream cair, & SKM, aduk rata sampai tercampur semuanya. Siram diatas puff pastry cinnamon roll 😚.

As a member, you'll be able to store your favorite Pepperidge Farm® Puff No need to go to the bakery when you can make these scrumptious puff pastry swirls, dripping with cinnamon sugar, right in your own Roll the opposite side to the center and press the rolls together. Easy Pumpkin Cinnamon Rolls made with Puff Pastry! These rolls can be enjoyed for breakfast/brunch and also as a dessert! To make these pumpkin cinnamon rolls, you first need to start with frozen ready to use Puff Pastry Sheets. The first step is to thaw the sheets and once that's.

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