Puff pastry GARLIC CHEESE Dinner party plans stressing you out? Puff pastry cheese straws are here for you. Puff Pastry Goats Cheese Tart Recipes.

Bahan Membuat Puff pastry GARLIC CHEESE

  1. 1 lembar Puff pastry.
  2. Bahan olesan.
  3. 1 butir kuning telur.
  4. 1 sdm butter/ royal crone.
  5. 2 siung bawang putih halus.
  6. 1 sdm susu kental manis.
  7. Secukupnya basil/origano.
  8. Taburan.
  9. secukupnya Keju parut.

Langkah Memasak Puff pastry GARLIC CHEESE

  1. Potong" Puff pastry uk 5x3cm tata diloyang yg sdh di alas dg kertas roti.
  2. Lelehkan butter dan tumis sebentar bawang putihx sampe harum...matikan apinya tambahkan susu,kuning telur dan origano aduk rata.
  3. Oles bahan olesan ke Puff pastry yg sdh dipotong" dan beri taburan keju parut.
  4. Oven di suhu 180-200°c selama 30 menit atau sesuai oven masing" sampai matang.
  5. Setelah matang, masukkan ke wadah kedap udara agar tidak melempem (tidak renyah). Selamat menikmati dengan keluarga :).

Brush the pastry with the egg mixture. Sprinkle the remaining garlic, parsley and cheese on the pastry. Roll the pastry lightly with a rolling pin. These Puff Pastry Cheese Straws are perfect for a crowd-pleasing party appetizer. Flavored with Gruyere and Parmesan, they're really easy to make and disappear in a flash!

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