In this video I show you some of my absolute favorite smoothie bowl recipes. They are all super healthy and delicious and I bet you will find your favorite. Blueberry Coconut Smoothie Bowl (V+GF): An easy recipe for refreshing smoothie bowls packed Our Driscoll's berry smoothie bowl is a beautiful work of art to enjoy a healthy sweet treat at any time.
Bahan Membuat Smoothie bowl
- 1 buah mangga.
- 1 buah apel.
- secukupnya madu.
- selasih.
Langkah Memasak Smoothie bowl
- Kupas dan potong mangga serta apel, lalu masukan kedalam freezer hingga beku, setelah beku lalu blender dengan madu secukupnya.
- Rendam selasih hingga mengembang lalu tiriskan.
- Sajikan ke dalam mangkuk lalu hias dengan selasih dan potongan buah mangga dan apel dan smoothie bowl siap disajikan.
An opportunity for some creativity for you and your loved ones! A smoothie bowl is similar to a smoothie in that it combines fruits, (and sometimes veggies) with a liquid and is blended until smooth. The difference is that they're a little thicker, eaten with a spoon. The smoothie bowl of all smoothie bowls - topped with lots of color, texture and flavors! The smoothie bowl is a great way to add fresh fruits and superfoods to your diet.
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