Smoothie bowl In this video I show you some of my absolute favorite smoothie bowl recipes. They are all super healthy and delicious and I bet you will find your favorite. Blueberry Coconut Smoothie Bowl (V+GF): An easy recipe for refreshing smoothie bowls packed Our Driscoll's berry smoothie bowl is a beautiful work of art to enjoy a healthy sweet treat at any time.

Bahan Membuat Smoothie bowl

  1. Oatmeal.
  2. 5 buah Pisang.
  3. 250 gram Anggur hitam.
  4. Keju.
  5. Susu.

Langkah Memasak Smoothie bowl

  1. Siapkan bahan-bahannya..
  2. Campurkan 8 sendok makan oatmeal dengan air panas..
  3. Blender pisang dan beberapa buah anggur..
  4. Setelah oatmel larut, campurkan susu, pisang dan anggur yg sudah diblender ke dalam mangkuk, lalu diaduk.
  5. Kemudian letakkan toping yg terdiri dari irisan pisang, keju dan anggur. Selesai. Selamat menikmati..

An opportunity for some creativity for you and your loved ones! A smoothie bowl is similar to a smoothie in that it combines fruits, (and sometimes veggies) with a liquid and is blended until smooth. The difference is that they're a little thicker, eaten with a spoon. The smoothie bowl of all smoothie bowls - topped with lots of color, texture and flavors! The smoothie bowl is a great way to add fresh fruits and superfoods to your diet.

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