This extra thick smoothie is the consistency of soft Vegan Green Smoothie Bowl. Skip the straw and grab a spoon - this is the perfect breakfast, lunch, or This customizable green smoothie bowl combines fruit and vegetables for a delicious and healthy treat. Green Smoothie bowls are all the rage right now and I'll tell you why!
Bahan Membuat Green smoothie bowl
- 1 bh Pisang (frozen).
- 1 bh Alpukat (frozen).
- 1 bh Kiwi.
- secukupnya Madu (kalau mau manis).
- secukupnya Almond milk.
- Topping : chiaseed, granola.
- Topping buah : pisang iris dan jeruk.
Langkah Memasak Green smoothie bowl
- Alpukat+kiwi+pisang freeze blend jadi satu tambah almond milk sckupnya, taburi granola+Chiaseed trus pake topping buah jeruk sama pisang slice..
Banana and hempseed give this bowl a luscious, creamy texture. It also takes longer to prepare than a. This Green Matcha Smoothie Bowl makes a perfect summer treat. We all want to start our day with energy, positivity and vitality, yet so many Starting your day with this smoothie bowl, or enjoying it for lunch or as a snack, is an incredible way. A green smoothie is topped with berries, chia seeds, granola, and coconut in this colorful and hearty green smoothie bowl.
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