Takoyaki isi octopus Takoyaki is a Japanese street food which is a grilled pancake in the shape of a round ball with a piece of octopus in a soft center. Takoyaki (Japanese Octopus Balls) are a favourite street food from Osaka in Japan. Gather around the takoyaki pan and make your own.

Bahan Membuat Takoyaki isi octopus

  1. Bahan adonan.
  2. 6 sdm tepung terigu.
  3. 1 sdm tepung maizena.
  4. 250 ml air.
  5. 1 sdt kaldu jamur.
  6. 1/2 sdt baking powder.
  7. 1 butir telur.
  8. Bahan isi.
  9. Octopus.
  10. Daun bawang.
  11. opsional Keju.
  12. Topping.
  13. Katsuobushi (beli di pappaya).
  14. Saus takoyaki homemade.
  15. Mayonais.

Langkah Memasak Takoyaki isi octopus

  1. Campur semua bahan adonan dalam wadah.
  2. Panaskan loyang takoyaki, beri olesan minyak goreng menggunakan kuas, pakai api sedang, supaya bagus hasilnya, isi loyang dengan adonan sampai setengah terisi, beri isian, lanjut beri adonan lagi sampai penuh terisi.
  3. Tunggu sampai permukaan bawahnya agak mengering, baru balik adonan takoyaki menggunakan 2 sumpit, beri olesan minyak lagi supaya cepat matang.
  4. Setelah matang,permukaannya akan sedikit mengeras, angkat dan sajikan dengan toppingnya.

This kit is fun and a perfect gift for all generations from children to elderlies. The problem is that normally, you would require a special takoyaki pan and some pretty impressive ninja skills to make takoyaki. I found a foolproof workaround using ice cube trays. Their original takoyaki called the 'bikkuri takoyaki' (the surprising takoyaki), has octopus' legs sticking out from the As their name 'Otako' (meaning big octopus) suggests, their octopus pieces are huge! Takoyaki is a very casual fast food in Japan.

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