Double chocolate muffin ala JTT They're entirely from scratch, but only take a few seconds to mix together, and the flavor is better than anything you can get out of a pre-packaged pouch. To attain this perfect texture and flavor. These double chocolate chunk muffins I'm talking about today really are glorious.

Bahan Membuat Double chocolate muffin ala JTT

  1. 2 butir telur.
  2. 200 gram gula pasir.
  3. 260 gram terigu.
  4. 50 gram coklat bubuk.
  5. 50 gram susu bubuk.
  6. 200 gram dcc (cincang kasar).
  7. 250 ml susu cair (aku pakai susu cair coklat dengan takaran yang sama).
  8. 100 gram mentega dicairkan.
  9. 50 ml minyak sayur.
  10. 1/2 sdt garam.
  11. 1 sdt vanile ekstrak atau 1/4 sdt vanile bubuk.
  12. Toping.
  13. secukupnya Keju parut (di resep aslinya 50 gram choco chips).

Langkah Memasak Double chocolate muffin ala JTT

  1. Panaskan oven disuhu 170°.
  2. Campur jadi satu tepung terigu,coklat bubuk,susu bubuk dan garam.
  3. Campurkan gula dan telor serta vanile,kocok hingga mengembang dan kaku,matikan mikser..
  4. Tambahkan campuran tepung,coklat bubuk,susu bubuk dan garam dengan cara diayak,aduk rata.
  5. Tambahkan bahan basah (campuran susu,mentega dan minyak) aduk asal tercampur rata dan tambahkan dcc yg sudah dicincang,aduk seperlunya.
  6. Masukkan dalam cetakan /cup muffin,beri topping (saya menggunakan keju parut karena kehabisan choco chip).
  7. Panggang lebih kurang 25 menit atau hingga matang dengan menggunakan api atas bawah.

This is the best Double Chocolate Muffins Recipe. The muffins are super soft and moist, intensely chocolatey, and so easy to make. Made with cocoa powder and semi-sweet chocolate chips, this double-chocolate muffin recipe will satisfy even the most serious chocoholics. Muffins are actually a form of quick bread, meaning that they have a bread-like texture but are made without yeast. These double chocolate bananas muffins are ridiculously easy to make. . . and even easier to eat.

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