Not overly cheesy, but feel free to add more. Flavorful cheese muffins are keto and gluten-free. Recipes developed by Vered DeLeeuw, CNC Nutritionally reviewed by Rachel Benight MS, RD, CPT.
Bahan Membuat Cheese Muffin (JTT)
- 260 gr tepung terigu protein sedang (saya: Segitiga Biru).
- 1 sdt baking powder.
- 1/2 sdt garam.
- 100 gr gula pasir.
- 2 telur, kocok lepas.
- 250 ml susu UHT full cream (saya: FF).
- 50 gr butter, dilelehkan (saya: Hollman).
- 50 ml minyak (saya: Barco, kelapa).
- 1/2 sdt vanilla (saya: Golden Brown).
- 100 gr keju parut (saya: Kraft).
- Taburan.
- 20 gr keju parut (saya: Prochiz).
Langkah Memasak Cheese Muffin (JTT)
- Siapkan bahan2nya terlebih dahulu. Panaskan oven pada suhu 170° C..
- Siapkan mangkuk besar. Lalu ayak terigu, susu bubuk, baking powder, dan garam. Tambahkan gula, aduk rata..
- Di mangkuk lain, aduk rata telur, susu cair, butter, minyak, dan vanilla..
- Tuang bahan basah ke dlm mangkuk yg berisi bahan kering. Aduk rata, jangan sampai overmix. Masukkan keju parut, aduk sebentar..
- Tuang adonan ke dlm paper case setinggi ¾ cup. Beri taburan..
- Panggang dlm oven yg telah dipanaskan selama 30 menit. Lakukan tes tusuk..
- Angkat & dinginkan, lalu simpan dlm wadah tertutup..
Sun-dried Tomato Cottage Cheese Muffin Recipe. Cinnamon muffins with a moist texture, plus extra protein and calcium, from cottage cheese. Cinnamon Cream Cheese Muffins are moist and delicious and are the perfect combination of cinnamon and cream cheese. #muffinrecipes #cinnaminmuffins #breakfastrecipes #easyrecipes. cheese muffin. bunching your 'package' up, and rubbing it on someone. cheesemuffin. Either a very diseased muffin or a person that is annoying or pissing you off! Delicious cream cheese muffins, filled with a lightly sweetened cream cheese mixture and topped with a crunchy sweet golden streusel Cream Cheese Muffins.
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