The unpronounced l was later inserted to make the word appear closer to its Latin root.
Salmon definition: A salmon is a large silver-coloured fish.
Salmon, originally, the large fish now usually called the Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar), though more recently the name has been applied to similar fishes of the same The six species of Pacific salmon.
Bahan Membuat Salmon & Corn Soup
- 100 gr salmon fillet, potong serong.
- 1 sdm cuka apel.
- 100 gr makaroni rebus.
- 1 buah jagung (SERUT/PIPIL).
- 1/2 sdt garam.
- 1 sdt gula.
- 1 sdm minyak wijen.
- 5 siung b.putih cincang.
- 1/2 siung b.bombay.
- 1 batang daun bawang.
- 1 batang seledri.
- 1/4 sdt lada bubuk.
- 1 butir telur kocok lepas.
- 1 sdm maiz3na, larutkan dengan 2sdm air.
Langkah Memasak Salmon & Corn Soup
- Tumis b.putih dan bombay d3ngan minyak wijen hingga harum..
- Balur salmom yg sudah diiris d3ngan cuka apel, diamkan 5 mnt, lalu bilas d3ngan air bersih.
- Tambahkan kurleb 1liter air kedalam tumisan b.putih, diamkan hingga mendidih.
- Potong daun bawang dan seledri, masukkan ke dalam souo.
- Tambahkan makaroni rebus ke dalam sup, diamkan hingga m3ndidih.
- Masukkan salmon, lalu tuang telur yg sudah dikocok lepas, sambil terus mengaduk...agar telurnya berserabut..
- Tambahkan merica, gula pasir, garam....koreksi rasa....
- Terakhir tambahkan maiz3na ke dalam soup, aduk hingga mendidih. Sajikan.
Salmon is fish that belongs to the family Salmonidae. Some species of salmon spend their entire life in rivers. What a man calls the the colour of his jumper when he doesn't want to admit he's wearing pink. A salmon is a fucking fish! Who the hell takes the time to wright all these autistic sexual acts ?
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