It only requires a few ingredients and is super simple Miso soup is very simple yet a very delicious and flavourful soup packed with Umami. Miso Soup is soul food for Japanese people. They can have it anytime of a day.
Bahan Membuat Miso soup lobak
- 1/2 potong tahu putih (sy tahu China).
- 1/2 buah lobak.
- 1 butir telur.
- Secomot rumput laut.
- 1 sdm miso putih.
- 1 sdt dashi bubuk (bisa di ganti kaldu bubuk).
- 500 ml air.
Langkah Memasak Miso soup lobak
- Siapkan bahan2,potong dadu tahu,belah dua lobak lalu potong tipis2,rendam rumput laut,kocok telur.
- Didihkan air, masukan lobak,setelah setengah matang masukan rumput laut dan tahu,masukan miso di mangkuk,siram dengan air dari soup larutkan lalu campurkan dengan soup.
- Masukan dashi bubuk,terakhir masukan telur kocok,aduk perlahan sebentar sj,matikan api,Dan taruh soup di mangkuk saji dan siap untuk di hidangkan.
Making your own miso soup at home is surprisingly easy and only requires a few ingredients. What Ingredients Make Up Miso Soup? How to Choose the Right Miso Paste: Difference Between White. Miso Soup with Tofu and Vegetables - The Cookware Geek. This miso soup with tofu and vegetables is a great starter for an Asian inspired dinner.
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