Together with Fuu-chan, a small fox-like mascot character, Ayumu protects the peace of his town while cross-dressing. Sup miso (味噌汁 miso shiru) adalah masakan Jepang berupa sup dengan bahan dasar dashi ditambah isi sup berupa sedikit makanan laut atau sayur-sayuran, dan diberi miso sebagai perasa. Sup miso dinikmati dengan mengangkat mangkuk sup dan meminum kuahnya.
Bahan Membuat Sup Miso Miko Chan ala Kitchentaste
- 3 bh tahu lombok goreng.
- 4 bh craby stick.
- 6 bh chikuwa.
- Rumput laut kering.
- 3 sdm miso pasta merk Miko Chan.
- Daun bawang untuk topping.
- 2 sdm kaldu jamur totole.
- 4 mangkok Air.
Langkah Memasak Sup Miso Miko Chan ala Kitchentaste
- Rebus air hingga mendidih, masukkan tahu, chikuwa, craby stick, seaweed, dan miso pasta dan kaldu jamur... kecilkan api lalu masak sampai mendidih. KOREKSi rasa, Sajikan dengan taburan daun bawang... Sudah serasa kayak di Jepang.... hhhee.
The health benefits of miso, or fermented soybean paste, have been studied and touted a lot in the last few years. Soy bean products like tofu, natto (fermented soy beans) and miso are all supposed to help to prevent breast cancer. Otasuke Miko Miko-chan is by Hiroichi. Ayumu Mikoshiba is a boy in junior high whose family runs an old shrine with few worshipers. In an effort to revive the shrine, Ayumu's parents decide Together with Fuu-chan, a small fox-like mascot character, Ayumu tries to help people in need while cross-dressing.
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