Miso Soup Super Simple Easy miso soup recipe makes with tofu, scallions, and wakame. Miso soup 味噌汁 is a warm and comforting Japanese soup prepared with a soup stock (Dashi) and miso paste. It is the soul food for the Japanese which serve together with rice.

Bahan Membuat Miso Soup Super Simple

  1. 75 gr miso (aku pakai enachan).
  2. 10 gr dashi (aku pakai yang ikan).
  3. 70 gr dried seaweed.
  4. 1 btg daun bawang.
  5. 1 ltr air.

Langkah Memasak Miso Soup Super Simple

  1. Siapkan semua bahan. Aku nggak pakai tahu karena emang nggak punya dan males banget ke pasar. Hahaha..
  2. Masukan air ke dalam panci, tuang dashi dan didihkan dengan api besar..
  3. Setelah mendidih, kecilkan api lalu masukan miso. Aduk-aduk sampai miso larut dalam air..
  4. Setelah miso larut, masukan daun bawang, lalu dried seaweed yang sebelumnya sudah direndam. Angkat dan siap disajikan..

It's also delicious and the perfect thing to curl up with in the winter. This can be drank as a morning beverage, or eaten as a simple soup before a meal. Miso Soup or Misoshiru (味噌汁) is a Japanese soup that can accompany a bowl of rice for any meal of the day, however, it's a staple of Japanese Although most dashi includes dried fish, making miso soup plant-based is as simple as using plant-based dashi. You can head to my post about making. Miso Soup is soul food for Japanese people.

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