Miso soup is the most iconic and traditional Japanese soup.
It only requires a few ingredients and is super simple Miso soup is very simple yet a very delicious and flavourful soup packed with Umami.
Miso Soup is soul food for Japanese people.
Bahan Membuat Miso Soup 🍜
- 🍜 Bahan Utama:.
- 1 pack Tahu putih (potong dadu).
- 20 g Wakame (rumput laut kering).
- 🍜 Bumbu:.
- 3 sdm Soy sauce.
- 1 sdm Dashi (kaldu ikan).
- 2 sdm Pasta miso halal.
- 1,5 L Air.
- 1 helai Daun bawang (iris).
Langkah Memasak Miso Soup 🍜
- Didihkan air, tambahkan soy sauce dan dashi. Koreksi rasa..
- Masukan tahu potong, rebus hingga matang. Tambahkan wakame..
- Kecilkan api, masukkan pasta miso sambil dilarutkan dengan cara menekan-nekan dengan bantuan sendok agar tidak menggumpal..
- Setelah larut, matikan api dan sajikan dengan taburan daun bawang..
Barclay is a huge fan of all of the noodles and. Miso Soup. featured in How To Make Homemade Japanese Food. Pour over dissolved miso into the pot. Turn back the heat and warm up the soup, right before it boils. Miso soup is very popular in Japan and within the Pacific Region.
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