Along with suimono (clear soup), Miso soup is considered to be one of the two basic soup types of Japanese cuisine. Miso soup is a quick, easy, and light soup and is a staple of Japanese cuisine. This basic recipe is a simple vegetarian and vegan version of the classic miso soup you'll find served in Japanese restaurants and sushi restaurants along with just about everything.
Bahan Membuat Miso Soup
- 2 buah tahu sutra (me, kuning).
- 1 sdt wakame (rumput laut kering.
- 1 siung bawang putih.
- 1 batang daun bawang.
- 1/2 sdm bawang putih bubuk.
- 1 sdt kecap asin.
- secukupnya garam.
- secukupnya gula.
- secukupnya lada.
Langkah Memasak Miso Soup
- Siapkan bahan 👉.
- Potong2 dadu tahu kecil2 👉.
- Ambil 1 sdt wakame lalu rendam dengan air hangat kurleb 3 menit sampai mengembang..
- Ini penampakan wakame asli rumput laut 👉.
- Geprek bawang putih dan batang daun bawang, daunnya iris bulat saja..
- Masak hingga mendidih, masukkan bawang mutih dan batang daun bawang tambahkan kecap asin, bawang putih bubuk, garam, gula lada. masukkan tahu masak sebentar terakhir masukkan wakame. Tes Rasa..
- Angkat dan sajikan. selamat mencoba..
- .
- 😋😋😋.
Miso is obviously the central ingredient to making miso soup. It is a fermented paste that's usually made from soybeans, but can also be made from brown rice, barley, and many other grains and legumes. Put both types of miso in a ladle or strainer and dip it into the pot. Slowly loosen up the miso with a spoon inside the ladle or strainer; the paste will slowly melt into the dashi. Once all the miso is dissolved into the soup, turn off the heat immediately.
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