Check out all of our delicious Maruchan Ramen recipes on our website. I decided to share easy spicy miso ramen recipe with you! Add the cooked noodles into the bowl and stir- so the noodles will coated evenly with the broth.
Bahan Membuat Beef Spicy Ramen with Miso Soup
- 6 Porsi Ramen Mentah Lurus ukuran 1,25 mm.
- Kuah Sup.
- 1,5 L Air.
- 4 siung Bawang Merah.
- 3 siung Bawang Putih.
- 2 sdm Pasta Miso.
- 1 sdm Garam.
- 1 sdm Bubuk Cabe.
- 1 sdm Kaldu Ikan (Marutomo Hondashi).
- Topping.
- Beef Teriyaki (Resep ada di unggahan sebelumnya).
- Secukupnya Wakame (Rumput Laut Kering).
- Secukupnya Daun Bawang.
- 3 butir Telur Rebus Matang (15 Menit) / Setengah Matang (6 Menit), belah menjadi 2 menggunakan benang.
Langkah Memasak Beef Spicy Ramen with Miso Soup
- Rebus ramen selama 1 menit, tiriskan dan sisihkan di mangkuk.
- Kuah: Haluskan Bawang Merah dan Bawang Putih, tumis hingga harum, lalu tuang 1,5 L Air, masak hingga mendidih, kemudian masukkan seluruh sisa bahan, koreksi rasa.
- Tuang kuah sup pada Ramen, berikan sejumput wakame, Beef Teriyaki, Telur, dan Daun Bawang. Selamat mencoba!.
Ramen noodles are popular for their delicate texture, & are delicious paired with beef & greens in a miso broth. See more soup recipes at Tesco Real Food. Add the ginger and star anise, then leave to simmer over a low heat. TO MAKE THE SPICY MISO RAMEN: Rinse the dried shitake mushrooms to get rid of any sand/dirt. Finely chop them and set aside (without soaking).
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