Okra goreng crispy The Parmesan coating adds a nice flavor to the okra. Since there is no flour or cornmeal used in the recipe, it's perfect for a low carb diet.like Somersizing. Our crispy deep fried okra is an excellent way to enjoy the vegetable.

Bahan Membuat Okra goreng crispy

  1. 100 gram okra.
  2. adonan basah :.
  3. 4 sdm tepung terigu.
  4. 2 sdm tepung meizena.
  5. 1/2 sdt baking powder.
  6. secukupnya royko ayam.
  7. secukupnya lada bubuk.
  8. secukupnya air es.
  9. adonan kering :.
  10. 3 sdm tepung terigu.
  11. 1 sdm tepung meizena.
  12. minyak untuk menggoreng.

Langkah Memasak Okra goreng crispy

  1. Rendam okra dengan air garam,cuci bersih tiriskan.
  2. Buat adonan basah :tepung terigu+meizena+bp+royko+lada campur tuang air es secukupnya sampai adonan kental (jangan terlalu encer).
  3. Adonan kering :campur tepung terigu+meizena+garam sedikit.
  4. Panaskan minyak dengan api kecil saja,celupkan okra pada adonan basah lalu gulingkan pda adonan kering masukan dalam minyak yg sudah panas jangan terlalu sering di aduk biar adonan tidak rontok.
  5. Goreng sampai kecoklatan angkat dan tiriskan,hidangkan dengan saos abc,siap menemani waktu santai anda 🥰 okra rasa kfc.

Crispy roasted okra is one of my new favorite veggies. Its a no-fuss, delicious side that is ready in Crispy Roasted Okra. No-fuss, delicious way to enjoy a great side. As I placed the okra in a single layer with plenty of room around so that the circulating air could do its job If you happen to have an air-fryer, I so do hope you give these Crispy Spicy Air Fryer Okra a try. This spicy, crispy okra is simply delicious.

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