Do not eat undercooked satay on a hot day…. Oh, and once on my plate, I pour over my satay babi a sauce of soy sauce, lemon juice and chili peppers. Sate Babi (Or Ayam) Recipe by PetsRus.
Bahan Membuat Sate babi
- 250 gram daging babi cincang.
- 1 lb daun jeruk.
- 2 sdm kecap manis.
- 1/2 sdt merica.
- Garam.
- Gula.
- 1 bawang putih.
- 4 bawang merah.
- 1/2 sdm ketumbar.
- 1/4 ruas laos agak besar.
- 1/4 sereh ambil bagian putihnya.
- 25 gr gula jawa.
Langkah Memasak Sate babi
- Aduk semua bahan, termasuk bumbu.
- Bentuk panjang panjang dan tusuk.
- Diamkan semalam.
- Panggang dengan teflon, ato panggangan sate.
- Siap dihidangkan dgn kecap manis atau sambal matah.
Easy sate babi and sate ayam recipe by Rita. Mix the brown sugar with the ketjap, coriander, oil, minced garlic cloves and lemon juice into a marinade. For those who don't know about sate babi manis, it is a marinated pork on a skewer or kabob. Prior I eat the sate, the owner stopped by and give me a shredded galangal (lengkuas) and tell how to mix the sate with galangal and sweet soy-sauce. Required fields are marked * Comment.
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