Do not eat undercooked satay on a hot day…. Oh, and once on my plate, I pour over my satay babi a sauce of soy sauce, lemon juice and chili peppers. Sate Babi (Or Ayam) Recipe by PetsRus.
Bahan Membuat Sate Babi
- 1 kg daging babi bagian cha sio (utk sate).
- Bahan perendam:.
- 1 sdm bawang putih bubuk.
- 1 sdm kaldu jamur.
- 2 sdm kecap manis.
- Bahan pencelup:.
- 3 sdm minyak goreng/olive oil.
- 5 sdm kecap manis.
- Bahan pelengkap:.
- Bawang merah, iris2.
- Jeruk nipis.
- Cabe rawit, potong2, beri kecap manis.
Langkah Memasak Sate Babi
- Tusuk2 daging dengan garpu atau pake meat tenderizer. Bolak balik ditusukin semua ya biar daging empuk. Potong kotak2 atau sesuai selera..
- Remas2 daging dengan bahan perendam. Diamkan di kulkas min sejam, aku semalaman biar lebih meresap. Tusuk2 daging ke tusukan sate..
- Celup ke bahan pencelup, dipanggang sambil dicelup2 dan dibolak balik. Aku pake teflon, awal2 kututup biar mateng sempurna. Panggang sampe kecoklatan. Sajikan dengan bawang merah iris dan jeruk nipis juga sambal kecap..
Easy sate babi and sate ayam recipe by Rita. Mix the brown sugar with the ketjap, coriander, oil, minced garlic cloves and lemon juice into a marinade. For those who don't know about sate babi manis, it is a marinated pork on a skewer or kabob. Prior I eat the sate, the owner stopped by and give me a shredded galangal (lengkuas) and tell how to mix the sate with galangal and sweet soy-sauce. Required fields are marked * Comment.
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