Red Velvet Pancake Don't they just have Christmas written all over them? With such a vibrant and beautiful red there's not really a more fitting or festive breakfast to serve up on Christmas morning. Mix pancake mix, cocoa powder and granulated sugar in large bowl until well blended.

Bahan Membuat Red Velvet Pancake

  1. 1 buah bit dihaluskan jangan diberi air.
  2. 1 butir telur.
  3. 5 SDM tepung terigu.
  4. 1 sachet susu bubuk (Dancow).
  5. 2 SDM gula pasir.
  6. 1/2 sdt Soda kue.
  7. 1/2 sdt vanilla Essen.
  8. 100 ml air.

Langkah Memasak Red Velvet Pancake

  1. Campur gula, telur dan susu bubuk aduk dengan wish sampai gula larut,.
  2. Masukkan Buah bit dan Essen vanili, tambahkan tepung terigu juga beserta air aduk rata sampai tidak ada gumpalan terakhir tambahkan Soda kue.
  3. Panaskan teplon oles tipis dengan margarin atau bautter gunakan api kecil, dengan menggunakan sendok sayur tuang adonan.
  4. Tutup, dan tunggu sampai berlubang2, lalu balikkan.
  5. Balik dan tungggu sebentar, lalu langsung angkat, bisa disajikan dengan Butter, madu m, selai, atau eskrim.

I thought it tasted like red velvet cake, only I use a cooked icing when I make my red velvet cake. I halved both the pancake recipe and the Sweet Cream Cheese Butter and it was more then we could use. How to Make Red Velvet Pancakes. Combine all ingredients into a large bowl, mixing until all the lumps disappear. If the batter is too thick, add more milk.

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