Red Velvet Brownies with Vanilla Cream Cheese These red velvet brownies are seriously the perfect brownie recipe! Perfectly moist and chewy with the bright The cream cheese frosting is completely optional but I believe that red velvet and cream cheese frosting Add the powdered sugar and vanilla and continue to beat until smooth and creamy. Our red velvet brownies are a bite-size version of the classic red velvet cake.

Bahan Membuat Red Velvet Brownies with Vanilla Cream Cheese

  1. Brownies.
  2. 90 gr gula pasir blender.
  3. 1 butir telur.
  4. 1/2 sdt vanilla bubuk.
  5. 1/4 sdt garam.
  6. 1/2 sdt cuka dapur.
  7. 1/2 sdm pewarna merah.
  8. 63 gr unsalted butter.
  9. 53 gr terigu.
  10. 11 gr coklat bubuk.
  11. Cream Cheese.
  12. 175 gr cream cheese (saya pakai anchor).
  13. 30 gr gula pasir blender.
  14. 1/4 sdt vanilla bubuk.
  15. 1 butir telur.

Langkah Memasak Red Velvet Brownies with Vanilla Cream Cheese

  1. Siapkan bahan. Siapkan loyang ukuran 22x10 alasi dengan baking paper dan olesi mentega. Panaskan oven 170’.
  2. Lelehkan butter, sisihkan..
  3. Dalam wadah masukkan gula pasir, vanilla bubuk, garam, pewarna merah dan cuka lalu tuang lelehan butter (hangat kuku), aduk dengan whisk.
  4. Masukkan telur, aduk hingga rata kemudian masukkan terigu dan coklat bubuk sambil diayak. Aduk rata dengan whisk.
  5. Tuang adonan ke dalam loyang sisakan 1 sdm makan untuk membuat motif marble.
  6. Untuk membuat topping cheese-nya, aduk cream cheese, gula dan vanilla bubuk sampai halus dengan mixer, kemudian masukkan telur, aduk lagi selama 2 menit.
  7. Tuang adonan cream cheese diatas adonan brownies. Tuang sisa adonan brownies diatasnya bentuk motif marble dengan menggunakan sumpit.
  8. Panggang selama 30 menit suhu 170’ api bawah saja (sesuaikan dengan oven masing-masing).

Drizzled with white chocolate or cream cheese and top with walnuts!" I was suppose to post these delicious, chewy homemade red velvet brownies around Christmas time and forgot all. It's because I baked these Red Velvet Cream Cheese Brownies this afternoon, and I can't think of many other scents that I love more. I hit the mother lode today coming across the Red Velvet Cheesecake Swirl Brownies on the blog Sally's Baking Addiction. I'd been formulating a plan to. Rich and flavorful red velvet brownies are slathered in an ultra creamy marshmallow and cream cheese frosting, then decorated with holiday sprinkles!

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