The Best Travel, Food and Culture Guides for Bangkok, Thailand - Local News & Top Things to Do. Bangkok. © Cam Floyd / Culture Trip. Bangkok is one of the most thrilling cities in the world to visit.
Bahan Membuat Barongko talang
- 7 buah Pisang kepok.
- Santan 70 ml (saya pake kara).
- 2 butir telur.
- 7 sendok makan gula pasir.
- Susu bubuk /susu kental (saya pake dancow 1 sachet).
Langkah Memasak Barongko talang
- Pisang diiris tipis2 bagian luarnya.. Bijinya g dipake.. Sisihkan.
- Masukkan semua bahan kedalam blender.. Blender sampe halus.. Tdk bergrlindir.
- Masukkan adonan didalam cetakan.. Saya pake cetakan puding😁.
- Panaskan kukusan.. Setelah agak panas.. Masukkan kedalam kukusan.. Kukus selama 25 menit. Atau tes tusukan apabila sdh tidak ada yg melengket. artinya sudah matang. Selamat mencoba.
Bangkok. is street life at its bestis a jumble of funis colour and majesty. Bangkok, the capital of Thailand, is one of the biggest and most vibrant cities in Southeast Asia. The city also known as the City of Angels and Venice of the East has many. This group page is made to share our experiences and info about Bangkok and for everyone who wants to explore. Bangkok is undeniably one of Southeast Asia's most exuberant capital cities.
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