Bitterballen, one of Holland's favorite snacks, are bite-size beef and gravy croquettes usually served along with beer. And if you want to eat Kroketten (or Bitterballen) the second best way (the first is just to eat lots of them with mustard or mayonaise): put one in a white bun with mustard or mayonaise. Bitterballen and their slightly larger counterparts kroketten, are typical Dutch foods.
Bahan Membuat Kroket holland/biterbalend holland
- 150 gr daging giling.
- 1 bh sosis sapi merah (boleh wortel).
- 2 siung bawang putih (cincang).
- 1/2 bh bawang bombay (cincang halus).
- 250 ml susu cair.
- 5 sdm tepung terigu.
- 1/4 iris melted cheese.
- 1/4 iris cheddar cheese.
- Secukupnya garam.
- Secukupnya daun bawang iris halus (aku skip).
- Margarin untuk menumis.
- Bahas luar :.
- Tepung panir yg orange.
- 1 btr kuning telur.
Langkah Memasak Kroket holland/biterbalend holland
- Panaskan margarin hingga leleh, masukan bawang putih dan bombay tumis sampai harum, masukan dgaing cincang masak hingga matang masukan sosis.
- Kecilkan api, masukan tepung aduk hingga rata api besarkan sedikit hingga tercampur.
- Kecilkan api kembali, bumbui dengan garam dan merica aduk rata masukan susu dan parutan keju aduk rata hingga mengental dan adonan kalis.
- Diamkan hingga dingin, lumuri dengan kuning telur bentuk bulat sesuai selera masukan ke tepung panir lalu goreng.
- Bisa juga dlemnya dikasih mozarella...
By loading the photos, you accept that uses cookies to share data with third parties as described in our privacy statement ( Diese herrlichen Fleischkroketten aus Holland haben eine leckere Rindfleischragout-Füllung. Bestellen Sie jetzt einfach die holländische Kroket zu sich nach In den Snackbars gehören Fleischkroketten neben Frikandel und Bitterballen zu den beliebtesten Produkten und werden von den Niederländern. Kroket is a modern Dutch counterpart to the classic French croquettes, consisting of ingredients such as meat, seafood, cheese, and gravy that are refrigerated, rolled into logs, breaded and deep-fried until they develop a golden-brown color. The most typical Dutch kroket is made with meat ragout covered.
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