Tiramisu Cake Spread remaining filling over top and side of cake. Discard the sponge trimmings (or keep for cake pops or a sneaky single-serving trifle). Everything you love about classic Italian tiramisu, layered into an impressive cake.

Bahan Membuat Tiramisu Cake

  1. Cake :.
  2. 4 butir telur.
  3. 100 gr gula Pasir.
  4. 1/4 sdt vanili bubuk.
  5. 1/2 sdt sp.
  6. 100 gr tepung terigu.
  7. 12 gr tepung maizen.
  8. 75 gr margarin, lelehkan.
  9. Pelengkap :.
  10. Whiping cream.
  11. 1 sct kopi instan, seduh.
  12. Buah dan hiasan cokelat.
  13. Cokelat bubuk, taburan.

Langkah Memasak Tiramisu Cake

  1. Kocok telur, gula, vanili & sp sampai mengembang, kental, berjejak..
  2. Masukkan tepung maizena & terigu aduk balik sampai rata..
  3. Masukkan margarin leleh, aduk balik sampai tercampur rata. Tuang kedalam 2 loyang uk 18cm yg telah diolesi margarin & dialas kertas roti. Panggang hingga matang selama 20-25 menit..
  4. Dinginkan cake, siram dgn kopi instan yg telah diseduh. Lapisi dgn whip cream lakukan ditiap lapisan cake, lalu cover cake dgn whip cream, tabur dgn cokelat bubuk lalu dekor dgn buah dan cokelat..

This easy tiramisu cake is made of a tender vanilla cake soaked with coffee syrup, topped with creamy mascarpone frosting, and dusted with cocoa powder. Just like classic tiramisu in cake form! My tiramisu recipe is so popular that I always think of new ways to combine these classic flavors in more desserts. How to make Tiramisu Cake from scratch. Tiramisu Cake is not as hard to make as you might think.

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