VANILLA ROLLCAKE with Choco-Tiramisu Buttercream This post has been sponsored by Eggland's Best Eggs, which give the cake recipe it's. Lightly crumb coat the the cake with more buttercream. At this point you can either cover the I would use rolled buttercream, instead.

Bahan Membuat VANILLA ROLLCAKE with Choco-Tiramisu Buttercream

  1. Bahan A.
  2. 6 butir telur.
  3. 95 gr gula pasir halus.
  4. 1 sdm SP/TBM.
  5. 70 gr tepung terigu protein rendah (me: Kunci).
  6. 20 gr susu bubuk fullcream.
  7. 5 gr tepung maizena.
  8. 1 sdt vanilla cream powder.
  9. Bahan B.
  10. 120 gr butter, lelehkan, dinginkan suhu ruang.
  11. 1/2 sdt coklat pasta (untuk motif).
  12. Bahan C (Buttercream).
  13. 75 gr butter.
  14. 3 sdm susu kental manis.
  15. 20 gr gula pasir.
  16. 1/4 sdt bubuk kopi (me: Kapal Api).
  17. 25 gr DCC (bisa coklat batangan apa aja atau meses).

Langkah Memasak VANILLA ROLLCAKE with Choco-Tiramisu Buttercream

  1. Panaskan oven 175’C selama 15 menit (preheat).
  2. Ayak tepung terigu, susu bubuk dan maizena. Campur semua bahan A kedalam 1 baskom/bowl dan mixer dgn kecepatan tinggi selama 10 menit sampai pucat kental dan berjejak..
  3. Ambil 4-5 sendok makan adonan A dan masukkan kedalam mangkuk yg berisi butter leleh dan aduk RATA. Masukkan kembali adonan plus butter tsb kedalam baskom adonan A dan aduk rata (teknik aduk balik) menggunakan spatula..
  4. Ambil 2 sdm adonan untuk diberi warna pasta coklat (untuk motif), sisihkan di mangkuk kecil. Tuang sisa adonan ke loyang 24 cm atau 26 cm (kalo mau lebih tipis boleh pakai yg 28 cm), gambar motif diatas adonan sesuai selera (bisa pake tusuk gigi/tusuk sate)..
  5. Hentakkan loyang 2-3x dan masukkan ke oven slma 25 menit (sesuaikan oven masing” ya moms)..
  6. Sambil menunggu matang, kocok butter, gula dan skm sampai mengembang creamy, masukkan bubuk kopi dan serutan coklat/meses. Sisihkan..
  7. Stelah matang keluarkan kue, dinginkan, dan beri olesan filling buttercream. Gulung cake dgn hati” dgn alas kertas baking dan masukkan ke kulkas slma 30 menit agar set. Potong” rollcake sesuai selera. Sajikan :).

Using and offset spatula, gently spread Mascarpone Cream filling over roll (work slowly and gently, so you don't get any cake. Tiramisu Cake Roll made with espresso flavored sponge cake that's brushed with a coffee-liqueur syrup, then filled with a Mascarpone Cheese Whipped Cream! Take your tiramisu cake to the next level with this easy recipe for a Tiramisu Cake ROLL! Caramel, banana, chocolate, and peanut butter get all rolled up into this one delicious cake. While the cake is baking, make the banana filling: In a large bowl using an electric hand mixer, beat banana, butter, lemon juice, vanilla and salt until smooth. classic tiramisu filling, tiramisu cake, how to make tiramisu, easy tiramisu recipe, cake roll recipe You need this tiramisu cake roll in your like!

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