Chicken Pad Thai Tofu can also be used here as well. Vegetable oil - used for sautéing.; Brown sugar - to sweeten the sauce. This is added instead of the traditional palm sugar.

Bahan Membuat Chicken Pad Thai

  1. 1 pack Rice noodle.
  2. 500 gram Ayam fillet.
  3. 4 buah Wortel.
  4. 1 cup Toge.
  5. secukupnya Seledri.
  6. 2 buah Cabe merah.
  7. 1 buah bawang putih.
  8. Bahan untuk saus:.
  9. 1 sdt Soy sauce.
  10. 1 sdt Fish sauce.
  11. 1 sdt Minyak wijen.
  12. 1 sdt Olive oil.
  13. 1 sdt Kecap.
  14. 1 buah Lemon peras.
  15. 1 sdt Vinegar.

Langkah Memasak Chicken Pad Thai

  1. Siapkan semua bahan yg diperlukan. Rendam ayam dengan 1 sendok marinate chicken sauce selama 20 menit lalu simpan dikulkas. Rebus rice noodles selama 5 menit. Angkat sisihkan..
  2. Masak ayam yg sudah dimarinate sampai matang. Angkat sisihkan. Tumis bawang putih dan cabe merah lalu masukkan wortel. Aduk2 sebentar. Masukkan toge, daun seledri serta sedikit garam dan chicken stock aduk2 sebentar..
  3. Masukkan telur ditengah2 sayur. Aduk rata sampai matang lalu campur dengan sayuran. Masukkan kembali ayam yg sudah dimasak, rice noodle, dan bahan saus yg sudah dicampur. Aduk sampai rata. Angkat dan hidangkan..

Rice noodles are usually available in the ethnic section of my grocery store,. The great thing about chicken pad thai is that it doesn't take much prep time at all. You just boil the noodles, cook the chicken, whisk together the sauce, and throw everything in a pan. Lightly sauced, tender noodle and juicy chicken perfection. When I prepared the recipe the sauce appeared to be miniscule in comparison to the main ingredients (noodles chicken sprouts).

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