Pad Thai noodles will absorb the water and rehydrated when you soak them in water. Please take note that the amount of noodles in the recipe below is referred to the dry weight. Start with soaking the dry noodles in lukewarm or room temperature water while preparing the other ingredients.
Bahan Membuat Teri tempe pad thai
- bahan utama.
- 1 papan mie telor.
- 1 btr telur.
- Secukupnya tempe.
- Secukupnya teri tawar.
- 1 buah wortel.
- 2 bh cabe merah keriting.
- 1/2 dada ayam fillet.
- 1/2 bh bawang bombay.
- 1 siung bawang putih.
- Secukupnya irisan jahe.
- Secukupnya irisan daun bw.
- bahan saus.
- 1 sdm irisan gula merah.
- 1 sdm kecap ikan.
- 1/2 sdm kecap.
- 1 sdm saus cabe.
- 1 sdm sambel pecel.
- 1 btr jeruk nipis diperes.
- Garam dan kaldu jamur.
Langkah Memasak Teri tempe pad thai
- Siapkan bahan. Tempe diiris tipis dan goreng kering. Dada ayam direbus dan diiris tipis. Teri direndam, tiriskan dan goreng kering. Telur di orak arik... sisihkan. Semua bahan saus dicampur dalam wadah. Mie direbus, ditiriskan dan beri minyak sedikit..
- Tumis duo bawang sampai harum, masukkan irisan cabe, jahe aduk smp rata. Kmd masukan wortel, ayam dan diaduk. Setelah merata baru masukkan mie yg telah direbus, kemudian tuangkan saus, beri garam dan kaldu jamur bila perlu. Test rasa..
- Terakhir campurkan tempe kering, telur dan teri. Hidangkan dengan taburan irisan daun bawang. Slmt menikmati rasa yg sensasional... 😋🥰.
- Note. Maaf ibu” saya kelupaan menambahkan sambel pecel pada adonan saus, asli resepnya siy peanut butter. Saya rasa sambal pecel lbh sedap dilidah kita he he he 🤣.
Pad thai is a beloved dish from Thailand that is popular around the world. It typically consists of flat rice noodles, meat or tofu, bean sprouts, peanuts, egg, and a flavorful sauce. The salty, sour, sweet, and savory sauce can easily be made at home with a short list of ingredients. Pad thai, or phad thai, is a stir-fried rice noodle dish commonly served as a street food and at most restaurants in Thailand as part of the country's cuisine. Pad Thai is Thailand's national dish, a flavorful stir-fry (pad in Thai) dish consisting of rice noodles, tofu, dried shrimp, bean sprouts, and eggs.
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