Pad Thai (Authentic) Authentic Pad Thai is made with Tamarind pulp which comes in a block (size of a soap bar) which is then soaked in hot water, then pressed through a sieve to make tamarind puree. Pad Thai - This Pad Thai recipe is how you actually find it in Bangkok and comes from testing hundreds of If you would like to make authentic Pad Thai, just like in Thailand, use all the ingredients. Pad thai, or phad thai, is a stir-fried rice noodle dish commonly served as a street food and at most restaurants in Thailand as part of the country's cuisine.

Bahan Membuat Pad Thai (Authentic)

  1. 160 gr rice noodles kering (merk Papa).
  2. 14 bh udang kupas.
  3. 100 gr tahu kuning (potong persegi kecil).
  4. 2 bh telur ayam.
  5. 3 bh bawang putih cincang.
  6. 100 gr taoge.
  7. secukupnya daun bawang/kucai (potong agak panjang 4 cm).
  8. 3 sdm minyak sayur/olive oil.
  9. Saos pad thai: (campur+aduk jadi 1).
  10. 1 sdm asam jawa (cairkan dgn 50 ml air hangat,saring).
  11. 2 sdm saos tomat.
  12. 3 sdm kecap ikan.
  13. 1 sdm kecap manis.
  14. 1 sdm saos tiram.
  15. 1 sdm minyak sayur/olive oil.
  16. 1 sdt kaldu jamur.
  17. 1 sdm gula pasir.
  18. 1/4 sdt lada.
  19. Bahan Pelengkap:.
  20. 20 gr kacang tanah (goreng lalu tumbuk kasar).
  21. 2 sdt gula pasir.
  22. 2 sdt cabe bubuk.
  23. 1 bh jeruk nipis (bagi 2).

Langkah Memasak Pad Thai (Authentic)

  1. Rice noodles Papa. 1 bks isi 400 gr bs dpt 5 porsi (@80)..
  2. Rendam rice noodles papa dlm air mendidih (2-3 menit). Tiriskan lalu siram dgn air matang suhu ruang selama 30 derik (biar gk lengket). Tiriskan kembali. Sisihkan.
  3. Panaskan 3 sdm minyak goreng. Tumis bawang putih sampe wangi. Masukan telor lalu orak arik, masukan udang+tahu aduk2 sampe udang berubah warna..
  4. Kecilkan api. Masukan rice noodles+saos. Aduk2 sampe rata. Tes rasa. Tips: pake sumpit utk aduk biar pad thai nya gk putus2 ya...
  5. Terakhir masukan taoge+daun bawang/kucai. Aduk2 rata jgn sampe loyo. Matikan api..
  6. Penyajian: Sajikan pad thai di piring. Di sisi piring berikan kacang tumbuk+1/2 jeruk nipis+cabe bubuk+gula pasir. Voilaaaa....Pad Thai is ready! 😄 Love it!!😍.

Pad Thai is probably one of the most popular Thai dishes abroad. If you get the ingredients right, the flavors you love will be there. And if you've ever made a stir-fry. Do you have a favorite dish or an International restaurant that you regularly go to because they always make things just the way you like? Pad Thai is stir-fried rice noodles in a sweet, savory and spicy Pad Thai sauce.

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