Pad thai Pad Thai is a Thai stir-fried noodle dish with rice stick noodles, shrimp, chicken, fried tofu and eggs. It's topped with crushed peanuts and served with fresh chives, lime wedges, with condiments such as sugar, fish sauce and chili powder on the side. Thai is a favorite in our home and made weekly.

Bahan Membuat Pad thai

  1. 150 gr Rice Noodles.
  2. 1/2 Bawang bombay.
  3. Bawang daun.
  4. 6 sdm Larutan gula merah.
  5. 4 sdm Air asam.
  6. 1/2 sdt Saus tiram.
  7. 2 siung bawang putih.
  8. Toge.
  9. Wortel.
  10. Ayam.
  11. Lada.
  12. 1/2 sdt Gula.
  13. Garam.
  14. 3 1/2 sdm Kecap ikan.
  15. Totole.
  16. Kacang.
  17. 1 butir telur.

Langkah Memasak Pad thai

  1. Rebus mie sampai matang, sisihkan.
  2. Untuk saus pad thai: rebus larutan gula merah, masukan air asam jawa, gula, kecap ikan, bubuk cabe.
  3. Di atas wajan, tumis bawang bombay, buat telur acak, ayam.
  4. Masukan mie, toge, lalu saus pad thai, tambahkan saus tiram, totole, lada hitam, dan sesuaikan rasa.
  5. Tambahkan daun bawang, aduk sampai rata, dan tambahkan kacang cincang diatasnya.

In a small bowl, whisk together lime juice, brown sugar, fish sauce, soy sauce, and cayenne pepper. "Pad-Thai Restaurant is don't-blink-or-you'll-miss-it small. Once found ( it's near Tanner's ), the hard part is over. Some of the best ethnic food in town is hidden in surprising places. Cook, stirring, until shrimp and egg are almost cooked. Pad Thai, itself is located in the middle of the plaza.

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