Watermelon rice (onigiri semangka) This onigiri recipe makes for the perfect snack or lunch, no matter the occasion. If you are not familiar with onigiri, they are balls of rice shaped in triangles. Onigiri Rice Ball Seaweed Wrapper is a roasted seaweed specially made for Onigiri or Japanese.

Bahan Membuat Watermelon rice (onigiri semangka)

  1. 2 centong nasi.
  2. 1 sdm air buah naga.
  3. 1 sdm air daun pandan.

Langkah Memasak Watermelon rice (onigiri semangka)

  1. Bagi nasi menjadi 2 dalam mangkuk, lalu dalam mangkuk 1 beri air buah naga. Aduk2 sampai tercampur rata.
  2. Dalam mangkuk 2, campur nasi dengan 1 sdm air pandan, aduk sampai rata (warna hijaj bisa disesuaikan ya kurangi jika terlalu hijau & sebaliknya).
  3. Kukus nasi selama 5-10 menit. Lanhsung bisa dikreasikan dalam bekal. Selamat mencoba.

Onigiri Japanese Rice Balls tutorial with Hana Etsuko of Let's Cooking Book on Pai's Kitchen! SPECIAL: Onigiri Rice Balls with Hana! This is an extra special episode! As promised, my amazing Japanese chef-friend Hana is here to teach us a fail-proof way to make the quintessential Japanese. Onigiri is a triangle shaped rice snack, which is kind of similar to sushi (combo of rice, seasoning and seaweed), but so much easier to make.

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